Photographic Society of America
Photo Travel Division


All current PSA members may take part in the Photo Travel Division Study groups. This is a non-competitive activity. The program has been specifically designed to provide mutual assistance and support for all the participants on a continuing basis.

A typical Study Group may have between five (5) to nine (9) members, including a Secretary who also participates in the group's activities.

The Photo Travel Study Groups are password protected for the Group participants. Anyone interested in joining a Photo Travel Study Group should contact the Director. 

DESCRIPTION Each Round involves the submission and review of two (2) images with descriptors (such as technical information and short description of how and where the image was crated) by each participant in the Study Group during a 2-month period. There is no limitation on subject matter as long as it complies with the PSA Photo Travel definition. Each Group, acting independently, conducts its activities as a series of continuous Rounds, each spanning a two-month period. The Rounds begin on the first day of the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) and have two parts:

(Part 1)
Begins on the first day of the Round's first month. During this time, the participants select, prepare and submit, on-line, two (2) images and related descriptors.

(Part 2)
This is the essence of the program. It extends from the time the images and descriptors are posted to the first day of the following month. The members use this period to analyze the images and record their comments and ratings. To do this, the reviewers use the image descriptor information, as well as the images themselves, to prepare and submit their observations and thoughts. If a reviewing study group member feels that an image could be improved, the reviewer is encouraged to download and modify the image and submit as a visual feedback. In this way, the Reviewer can more definitively express their suggestions for improvement.

Within the vertical Submissions Table, located on each study group's home page, there is an option labeled "Instructions." Clicking on it will open another window, which contains specific and detailed instructions concerning the preparation and submission of the various files and other information. It is also possible and recommended to download and print a copy of this information for handy reference at all times.